Wednesday, November 4, 2009

anamation and navigation

Well Yesterday we made the buttons for the game we are making and my button was pretty coool it is purple and turns green when you touch it. and thease buttons will be used for the play, about, choose your charictor and so on and so forth every thing you would use a button for on a regulaur game.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Obama Speech

i thought that Obama made many of very good points he is not my favorite person but that was a good speech. i believe he made a big point on being responsible. i thought it was an alaround good speech for the most part.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

First time blogging

I dont know much bout blogging. but i think it it like the news where you update to people what has been going on latly around town and that kind of stuff but i would like to learn what blogging is .